Health in easy steps!

You're Here, It's Your Time, Put Your Wellbeing in the Spotlight
Inside this beautiful hub, you can achieve the wellbeing that you dream of - honestly, easily and at pace that suits you. It's all in one space and overwhelm does not live here.
Welcome to Seasons Eatings
My home of Mini Courses, Challenges, Tips and Recipes Just for You
Your Wellbeing is the Most Important Aspect of Your Life
Is this true for you?
Or do you spend most/every day looking after others? Are you using up your energy reserve as well as your positive health balance?
You might be like one of the many clients I've seen over the years, you may have a whole inner conversation that happens - you may even identify with some of these phrases….
"I'll put myself first and look after myself when the family are settled…."
but you're too tired to be your best self for you and where do you start?
"I'll look after myself when work slows down…."
but there is always another deadline or the pace of life is fast.
"I'll give myself time and eat better next month when…."
but how do you know what to eat because you don't have time or what you manage to do doesn't nourish you and it's easy to get disheartened.
"I'll try to do some meditation and calm my mind…."
but when can you fit it in, your day is already packed with doing things for everyone else.
Is your hope of vitality and restoring your well-being feeling like an uphill struggle?
If you don't have hopes of self-care & wellbeing but would like them?
I hope I can help you here, as it doesn't have to be this way

"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection "
- Buddha
So What Do I Know?
You may already know me but just in case:
I was born with a liver condition (not a life threatening one as it turned out but a very little known about one). Doctors all thought I should be tired and suffering with fatigue and me being me wanted to prove them wrong even as a child. So I loved to dance and sing, to run and play and be outdoors as much as possible.
Then just after my 21st birthday, I moved from Ireland to London and lived the London life for 17 years which is fast paced and adrenally driven. I reached burnout a couple of times where life just suddenly made me stop… In fairness, it probably had given me a couple of signs which I hadn't noticed.
Although I had pushed myself to that point, in the back of my head I had the words of the Professor Paediatrician who had looked after me and my liver for 18 years as I was growing up. He, even though he was a highly respected Professor was always interested in the "Natural Way" of keeping my body healthy Naturally.
So at the age of 34 when life had created another STOP sign for me, I decided I had better listen to it and make some changes. Don't you just love life and how it works for you? I went to join a yoga class in three different centres and they were all full. Doing my best not to have a temper tantrum I looked up the list of other classes and my eyes landed on one called Balanced Health. I read the paragraph in the Prospectus, joined it and 3 weeks later I realised I had finally found why I was here on this planet.
I could do this to help myself AND I could help other people do it too.
That was September 1998 and I applied myself and studied hard. Over the next 5 years I did various Diplomas in Kinesiology, Anatomy & Physiology, Holistic Massage, Nutrition and Homeobotanicals and was qualified in all of them by 2003. Over the years I have added more Advanced Courses to my skill set including Health Creation Mentoring.
Initially, I worked at a clinic in Surrey for 2 years and had my own clinic at home and then decided to move to Scotland and found the enticing Scottish Borders and knew I wanted my home to be there. Wide open skies, rolling hills, more space than I had ever seen, it was easy to breathe and just be. So in 2004, I opened my clinic Down To Earth Health in Melrose and 10 years later moved it just 7 miles away to Selkirk.
Have I kept myself in balance every minute of every day since 1998? Maybe not every minute. LIFE still throws curveballs as it does for everyone. However, I do now have a much better understanding of when my body is going out of balance and I do something about it much sooner generally.
So that's enough about me. I want to know about you and what's going on for you now? Do you have a debilitating disease or have you been so distracted by life to think about yourself and you are becoming more aware your reserves are ebbing away?
Is NOW the time to bring yourself up a couple of Priority Rungs on the Ladder of Life & Health? OR…. Are you choosing once again to set your wellness aside?
If you choose the first one, I am here for you, to support you and I have made this path as simple for you as I can…..
If you choose the latter, then I will be here if you carry on down Life's road and have a setback and come back round again.